
e are a group of health care professionals that specialise in solving your aches and pains and improving your movement, whatever your challenge may be. We treat all age ranges and gain as much satisfaction out of fine tuning the best athletes as we do helping our older patients keep their independence and quality of life.
Our team consists of musculoskeletal specialists from the fields of Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation, Pilates, Massage and Personal Training.
If you’re unsure who to see, or how we can help, speak to one of our practitioners. You can talk through your options for free and without any further obligation.
Chances are that if you have found us, you have lost some aspect of your health.
Many people think this happens from bad luck, an injury or an accident. How many times have you heard something like, “All I did was lean over to pick up a coffee cup and my back went”?
he simple truth is that coffee cups do not cause low back pain and nor does leaning. With the exception of serious injury, most of us have unknowingly designed our own problems and luck has nothing to do with it.
The good news is these designs, created by our lifestyles, our joint mechanics and our activity levels, are rarely set in stone. Doing nothing is unlikely to improve the situation and is probably part of the problem. If left poorly functioning or unbalanced, the body’s nerves, muscles and joints may start to make changes in an attempt to help cover up the problem. These changes are helpful and intelligent in the short term. A tight muscle can brilliantly lock a sore joint thereby relieving pain. However, this solution only works well in the short term. You can only compensate for so long before your body’s compensations fatigue and pain will let you know a limit has been reached. If your body keeps overworking to compensate, eventually structures will fail and damage will occur. Therefore, these changes or compensations to underlying problems are often the culprits in ‘wear and tear’, scar tissue formation and the subsequent reduction of mobility. Regretfully this is when many people start to take pain killers, rather than listening to their body, intelligently it had given you the pain in an attempt to dissuade you from continuing loading the tissue in question.
If you want to take less painkillers and get back on track, let us find the way to give your body back its control, its strength and its flexibility. Let us design your solution.
No matter how great the challenge, almost everyone can lower their pain levels or improve their performance with the right guidance. You’re only one decision away from getting your health back on track.
Best wishes and good health,
Robin Marshall
Clinic Director -
Expert Diagnosis
Precise and ComprehensiveTo provide the best solution, one has to understand the problem to the smallest detail. To unlock the solution you need to be able to deconstruct the symptoms and dysfunction. Just saying a joint is inflamed or isn’t moving well is just not good enough. We need to understand WHY – otherwise we are just treating symptoms and not causes.
Double The Time
Double the valueWe are motivated by results and job satisfaction, NOT how many patients we can see an hour. When you can do more – you need more time to do it in. All patients are booked double the standard time of most chiropractors, so instead of 10-15 minute appointments you get 20-30 minute appointments at no extra charge. This allows us to be satisfied we are doing all we can.
Technical Ability
Cutting Edge TreatmentsOur practice is guided by rational evidence based care. This means if the scientific community publish, or our fellow professionals demonstrate, a more productive technique to treat or diagnose a problem, regardless of their profession (chiro or physio), our practitioners will seek to provide it by upskilling. Should it fall outside our scope of care, e.g. minor surgery, we will refer you appropriately. See our services for a range of some of the more common techniques we use regularly.
Best of Both
No need to just benefit from just Chiro or PhysioNo more difficult choices between physio or chiro when searching out the best treatment for your problem, you can have both. If we think your problem would be better treated by a skill set of a different practitioner (physio or chiro) we will refer you. We do not charge for the new practitioner’s consultation, just their treatment. Our team plays to its strengths.
Value in Values
We put our patients firstWe show we put our patients first; both in the way we give more of our time to listen and treat them than the average chiropractor, and in the investment we make to continually increase our knowledge and effective tools to help them. Put us to the test, Google other chiropractors and see if you can get the same value of care. Don’t be fooled into just judging price – all practitioners are not identical. Check out our free guide to booking the right practitioner for your problem first time round download the Seven Mistakes Patients Make When Choosing Chiropractic Care.
Payment Plans
Spread the cost of recoveryNot everybody has a rainy day insurance fund to cover the cost of care. We can help spread payment over a few months so you can have the care you need without it throwing a spanner on your weekly cash flow.
Can We Help You?
We specialise in the diagnosis and conservative management of pain or poor function from nerves, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, and fascia.
Writing a huge list of syndromes and body parts that produce pain or dysfunction can lead to false promise. This only helps reassure the reader as accurately as the reader can diagnose themselves. Whilst many patients are exactly right about their diagnoses (less so about the actual causes) we can sum up what we can help you with and what we treat very simply.
- If you have pain from a nerve, muscle, tendon, ligament fascia or joint then we can help.
- If you are not sure if your pain is from nerve, muscle, tendon, ligament, fascia or joints then we can help you answer that question.
- If you feel your health could be better but don’t know how to get healthier because you are not bad enough to be measurably sick enough to need supportive drugs or surgery, we can help you.
Number two is the most important, we have spent years learning about what we can and can’t treat and how to identify it. Being primary health care professionals and specialising in conservative musculoskeletal care means we know all about the limits of care and how different problems can masquerade as musculoskeletal ones. Indeed, also how systemic and organ problems can lead to genuine secondary musculoskeletal pain. Often the most rewarding cases are the more serious ones where we can’t help with our hands, but by ruling out a musculoskeletal problem we can help the patient get the help they need and not be stuck in no-mans land as their health continues to decline. Those are the days the money we invested in our education is never seen as expensive!Request a free call back to chat with one of us about if and how we maybe able to help. Don’t book without confidence!
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