Have you ever wondered why your body does not seem to work properly, despite doing your rehab exercises and having had expert treatment? You could be suffering from a disturbance to your proprioception.
Do you get the feeling that most treatment does not work very well? Have you tried everything but cannot shake off a persistent problem?
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein
Proprioception is a medical term that describes the brain’s awareness of the position of the body. Doctors call it “joint position sense”, but it is so much more than this. Proprioception is the key to all body motion and control. Awareness of our body without the ability to move, would be pointless. Proprioception is a subconscious sensory-motor system that ensures our muscles control our movements efficiently and effectively. Proprioception keeps our joints, muscles and bones free of pain and injury.
Proprioceptive medicine applies the principles of proprioception in a comprehensive system of health care. Developed through years of careful observation and study, it helps health professionals deliver lasting benefits faster and more efficiently, without having to give up any of their existing techniques or procedures.
Just as your senses inform you of the external world, proprioception keeps your brain and nervous system aware of your internal world. Your brain uses sensory information from your muscles and skin to feel what is happening to it all the time. It uses this information to constantly regulate your muscle tone, which is how it controls the way you move. Proprioception will cause you to limp if you are injured, flinch if you are tickled, catch yourself if you fall, and pull away if you touch something too hot. What most medical and alternative practitioners do not realise is that the most important function of proprioception is not to know where the body is, but to control muscle tone.
Proprioceptive medicine is the assessment and treatment of disturbed proprioception. If proprioception is disturbed, then so is muscle strength. Muscle inhibition is the direct result of abnormal proprioception.
Even the strongest, most muscular of people can suffer from muscle inhibition, although they have no way of knowing their muscles are inhibited until they are tested.
Muscle weakness indicates your nervous system is being irritated by something. It is the job of the proprioceptively astute practitioner to find the cause of that irritation and remove it.
If your muscles are inhibited, your joints will be unsupported. This makes them vulnerable to injury, recurrent injury and osteoarthritis. Weakness in muscles does more than just cause pain.
Muscle inhibition causes tiredness, lethargy, stress, increased blood pressure, depression and many other conditions. Proprioceptive medicine practitioners know that weakness is a big, flashing neon sign pointing to a problem. It is their job to find out what that problem is and help you fix it.
Check Out The Science bit….
Proprioception is extremely complex and poorly understood, even for medical and exercise professionals. It is based on reflexes designed to alter and control muscle strength.
The flexor withdrawal reflex is the reflex that pulls your hand off a hot plate or your foot off a nail. It even makes you flinch when you are tickled.
The flexor withdrawal reflex can override the myotatic reflex – causing chronic muscle inhibition that cannot be strengthened with exercise. This is just one cause of the muscle weakness we detect through testing.
If you cannot coordinatively resist external force acting upon your muscles, you can’t resist those forces from injuring your joints or your muscles. Just like you can’t stop a knee jerk reflex, you won’t be able to stop the domino effect of how your body will reflexively compensate.
For more information about this exciting discovery and shift in Healthcare diagnosis and treatment please follow the links below:
Simon King’s Pioneering work for health care professionals www.expertmuscletester.comGet the complete story with Simon King’s book
“Live Without Pain: A New Theory on What’s Wrong With You and How To Fix It.”
www.live-without-pain.com -