Category: Healthy Living


If you struggle with premenstrual symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, muscle cramps, cravings and bloating; don’t worry you’re not alone. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affects up to 90% of women before they reach the menopause; for some, the symptoms can be mild and almost unnoticeable, whilst for others, they can ... Read More
03/09/2016Robin Marshall


More and more patients are asking “Should I get my food allergies / intolerances tested?” I thought about doing a short video to answer this and then whilst researching the best way of presenting the material I found this fantastic video that explains the answer very well.
21/06/2015Robin Marshall


People often ask whether buying organic is really healthier, and the answer is yes. Does it make a real difference to one’s health? Very much so. Eating organic protects you from potentially harmful chemicals such as pesticides and gives you more nutrient dense food. For instance, organic tomato ketchup ... Read More
26/04/2015Robin Marshall


Time constraints during consultation often mean that we cannot fully explain why for some patients who are not celiac, we still advise trying a wheat, gluten or grain free diet. This video broadly summarises many of the reasons with a strong focus on Brain Health, following the release of ... Read More
27/02/2015Robin Marshall


When many people read ‘cost effective’ they only see the cost not the effectiveness. Remember we eat for nutritional needs. Therefore effectiveness should be based on nutritional delivery surely? A new analysis appears to refuel the debate about the nutritional value of organic versus conventional foods, by finding that organic crops ... Read More
17/03/2014Robin Marshall


Made freely available by Robert Rakowski and blogtalkradio, please take the time to listen to Dr Bob’s seven critical steps to health as he is interviewed by Pete Cohen. Skip to 1:30 to start and forgive the well meaning interviewer for his enthusiastic interruptions. You’ll be thinking right, eating right, ... Read More
17/03/2014Robin Marshall